Peer Review Survey #182
Thanks for taking part in our Peer Review survey! Be sure to submit a genuine and family-friendly answer for each question to help ensure for a better game in the future.

Once you've completed this survey, show the next screen to your trivia host and provide them with your team name for 2 bonus points!

ONE more player from each team can take this survey and receive 1 additional point. (Max 3pts)
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Give me a word or phrase used in the game of golf.
Tell me another type of room in a school besides the classroom.
Aside from magnets, tell me something people like to put on their refrigerators.
When working with a team towards a goal - be it a big client or a magical troll - do you tend to play the role of the Healer (support), Offense (Sales/Lead), or Tank/ (Doing the bulk work).
Chocolate chips would most likely be the number one answer. Name something else that is often inside cookies.
If you could somehow choose it, would you rather pass away before or after your partner?
Would you rather give up sweet tea or soda forever?
A lot of people rent cars from the airport. Name a company known for car rentals.
Players in Dungeons & Dragons play all sorts of character classes like Mage or Paladin. What is another class in D&D you've heard of?
At fairs and amusement parks, there are multiple food kiosks that sell different types of food. Name a type of food you often seeing them sell.
Would you rather give up cursing forever or give up everything sweet for a year?
Paul McCartney has written so many classic songs that we all know. Name another artist who you would guess you know at least 20 songs they have written.
If you are about to get a dog, what is something else you should also buy to be prepared for it?
Different items are for different people. Name one product whose ads are always geared towards men?
Name a type of appointment people make that they don’t look forward to.
When getting together to play Dungeons & Dragons or most other role playing games, some dice are absolutely necessary. What is something else you might need to play?
Which would be worse, being forced to watch every episode of Jerry Springer, or every episode of Barney & Friends?
If you were crawling through dungeons in the middle ages, would you rather use a physical weapon like a sword or bow, or magic like fire spells?
Journey's Don't Stop Believing is often the last song of the night played at a bar or club. What's another song they might play last of the night?
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