Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the volunteer team for TEDxLandskrona!

We are seeking dedicated individuals who can commit to a full day of volunteering during the event or provide support leading up to the big day.


Kindly note that priority will be given to volunteers who have actively participated in the months leading up to the event, as we have limited volunteer spots available. If you're eager to experience TEDxLandskrona from behind the scenes, we encourage you to get involved as early as possible.

We understand that you may not receive an immediate response from us. Please be patient as we are all volunteers. 

By volunteering with TEDxLandskrona, you'll be part of a passionate community dedicated to spreading ideas and making a positive impact. We value your commitment and look forward to having you on board as we create an unforgettable TEDx experience in Landskrona.🚀

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Full Name *
Email *
Mobile number *
Why do you want to volunteer in TEDxLandskrona
Which aspect(s) of the event do you feel best suited to volunteer for? (Check all that apply)
Volunteer Availability and Perks: Please indicate your availability as a volunteer. Note: Priority will be given to volunteers with the highest availability.
Please share relevant experience for event volunteering *
What's your favorite TED talk or aspect of the TED/TEDx experience?
Is there anything else you would like us to know? We're all ears!
By submitting this application, you confirm that the information provided is accurate and that you agree to comply with the TEDx Volunteer Guidelines and Terms.

Thank you for applying to volunteer for TEDx! We appreciate your interest and will be in touch soon with further details.
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