Auto Dark Mode Developer Feedback Form
Learn more about auto-dark mode at:
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
How long have you been using auto dark mode prior to submitting this survey feedback? *
What category does your role fall under? *
Please rate your overall experience using auto-dark mode on your website: *
Hate it
Love it
How well does auto-dark mode align with your brand? *
Breaks brand guidelines
Works for our brand
How aesthetically pleasing is auto-dark mode on your site? *
Not at all pleasing
It looks beautiful
How would you rate the legibility of the content on your website in auto-dark mode? *
Hard to read
Very clear
How well does auto-dark mode preserve accessibility? *
Do you plan on using auto-dark mode for your website or opting-out? *
Please elaborate on your thoughts of auto-dark mode on your site. *
Did you run into any specific issues while using auto-dark mode? Please include a link to your site and report bugs to:
If you're willing to follow up with us, please submit your email address (optional)
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