Quiz 1 Nutrition For Maximum Performance
Quiz One
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Quiz Questions
Please answer any essay questions using your own words - do not copy and paste from the lesson or another source.
1. What section of the equine digestive system is called the fermentation vat? *
2. List the nutrients utilized in the small intestine *
3. The _________ stores fecal balls until they are expelled. *
4. The salivary glands are stimulated by the __________action. *
5. What is the term used to describe when teeth do not meet properly? *
6. Choke occurs in what part of the horse's body? *
7. The equine stomach requires______________ ____________ meals. *
8. Horses teeth do not grow – they _______________. *
9. The cardiac sphincter valve, at the base of the esophagus, prevents the horse from ________________. *
10. As a horse chews the feed is softened with _____________. *
11.  What are the two main sections of the equine stomach? *
12.  What are the two methods of processing feed within the equine digestive system?  Briefly explain which each one does. *
13. _____________ carbohydrates are absorbed in the small intestine. *
14. What one type of feed is the equine digestive system best suited to utilize? *
15. _____________ carbohydrates are absorbed in the large intestine.
16. An expanded cecum caused by overly mature hay results in a _____________.
17. What can happen if the colon is not kept in place by fibrous bulk? *
18. Why do changes in a horse’s diet have to be made gradually? *
19. List the parts of the equine digestive system in the order a meal would travel.
20.  On what side of the horse is the cecum located? *
21.  What is the definition of “glandular”.  (You’ll have to look it up.) *
22. What can happen if the acids from the glandular section enter the nonglandular section of the equine stomach? *
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