Sign Up to Canvass in Support of HB67 + Decriminalize Sex Work in Louisiana!
On May 1st and May 2nd, we will meet at 2:30 PM, at Carl Williams Park, 801 W Bridge St, Breaux Bridge, LA. We picked this neighborhood because Rep. Marcus Bryant is a key decision maker on the Committee that will hear this bill. Everyone will receive a list of doors to knock, a script, and materials to leave behind. We will go out till about 4 PM. We will bring water bottles and sunscreen! Please bring masks and hand sanitizer.

Additionally, if you can't join us then but want to knock doors in your neighborhood, we can get you materials and a list of voters to reach!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
I want to go to Breaux Bridge to canvass!
I want to canvass on my own in my neighborhood!
If you want to canvass in your neighborhood, what's your address?
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