I'd like to apply to join or visit Rubha Phoil

Hello and thank you for arriving here! We are grateful for your interest in Rubha Phoil. 

Before you fill in the form below, we invite you (if you haven’t done so already) to visit our website www.rubhaphoil.org/ to familiarise yourself with our community, culture and ethos.

If you would like to experience Rubha Phoil as a tourist, you can ignore the additional information below and skip straight to the form. You are only required to fill in the questions marked with a red asterisk. 

If you are interested in joining Rubha Phoil for work exchange or as a long term community memberplease read on for further information about our application process: 

Step 1. Complete the form below. We encourage you to include plenty of detail, so that we can get a sense of what kind of experience you are looking for and whether it will be a good fit. 

Step 2. If we have availability for your proposed dates and feel that there is potential for a mutually beneficial exchange, we will invite you to a zoom call to continue the conversation. 

Step 3. Join the Rubha Phoil Virtual Village. This is an online platform that allows our wider community to stay connected.

Step 4. We will come to an agreement with you about a fair exchange for your experience at Rubha Phoil and invite you to read and accept our policies (these help us to ensure that Rubha Phoil remains a safe and supportive space for everyone). 

Thank you in advance for investing your time and energy in our application process, which has been designed with the intention of creating a truly safe and enriching space for everyone at Rubha Phoil.

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Email *
My name/age/pronouns/relevant labels:  *
I am interested in experiencing Rubha Phoil as a 
(select as many that apply)
What date(s) would you like to visit?
(For short tourist-style stays, you can check availability on our Virtual Village and pre-book your preferred dates. Please note, your booking will then need to be reviewed by us before it is fully confirmed.)

In this space, we invite you to introduce yourself. Please include anything you feel is relevant for us to be able to make your experience at Rubha Phoil mutually beneficial to yourself and the community.

What would be your dream experience? Or what do you feel would be the ideal outcome of your visit? 
Do you have any experience with permaculture or regenerative culture? Tell us something
 about your relationship with nature.
What would you hope to offer the community in exchange for your experience/learning journey at Rubha Phoil? What do you enjoy doing? What are your skills?
(Please note, short tourist visits are only possible when paid in £'s. A moneyless exchange is only possible when your stay with us is longer than a month.)

We currently have very limited capacity for moneyless exchange style placements at Rubha Phoil and have to prioritise these spaces for volunteers who can bring relevant skills and experience. However, we may be able to discuss other options for those willing to make a modest financial contribution to their learning journey with us. 
I am open to... (tick all that apply)
Are you interested in becoming one of our resident food growers?
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Have you been to Rubha Phoil before, or do you have any previous or existing connections to our community? If so, please give details. *
Do you have any accessibility requirements you would like to request or disclose?
Are you aware of any privileges you may hold? 
If you have a website or online presence that you would like to share with us, please do so here:
Do you have any questions for us?
I give permission to be contacted via email and my answers to be shared with the Rubha Phoil team. *
I would like to be added to your email list. *
You can come back to edit this document.
Please tick the box when you the form is ready for us to look at.
Thank you for your time and for your application! We'll get back to you asap
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