DNA Pre-Signup
Join the first Digital Nomad Asia (DNA) e-masterclass to learn from the best talent across Asia Pacific. To educate about the digital nomad lifestyle and its feasibility for people from Asian countries.

DNA Masterclass is a collaboration between four digital nomads community and service platform: HafH Home Away from Home, CoCoHUB, Global Nomad Summit, and CoXplore. It provides people of all ages who are interested in digital nomadism and self improvement in the course of their career and in remote working situation which is increasingly common nowadays.

Unleash your potential by identifying strengths and weakness, then career orientation and path as a location-independent entrepreneur.

Please pay the course via the following link to gain Google Classroom: https://bit.ly/dnamcpayment 

If you have any issues or queries, please contact us via: digitalnomadsasia@gmail.com or Messenger (https://bit.ly/dnacoxmsg)
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