Fossil Free Books Statement on Baillie Gifford
Please see the statement here.

Fossil Free Books invites all book workers (authors, illustrators, translators, publishers, et al.) to sign our letter calling for Baillie Gifford to divest, and to support those invited to the festivals in their calls to action.

Note: If instead of declining your festival invite, you will use your festival appearance to take creative action calling for divestment, you are still very welcome to sign. We support this action, but will not list that on our statement or keep a record of it.
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Full name *
Description (author, publisher, editor, illustrator, etc.) *
If you've been invited as a presenter to a literary festival sponsored by Baillie Gifford, please fill in the relevant questions. If you are signing as a general book worker, you can leave these blank.
Did you decline your 2024 festival invite or withdraw your labour? If so, which festival(s)?
Have you attended or performed at a festival sponsored by Baillie Gifford in the past?

These festivals include: Hay Festival, Cheltenham Literature Festival, Edinburgh International Books Festival, Cambridge Literary Festival, Stratford Literary Festival, Boswell Book Festival, Borders Book Festival, Wigtown Book Festival, Henley Literary Festival, and Wimbledon BookFest

Sharing this information helps show that we make this demand for divestment as people with relationships with these festivals.
Following the previous question, which festival(s) and which year(s)?
Do you agree to give us permission to make the information from the previous festival related questions public in our letter? *
If willing, please provide a quote that we can potentially include in our press release and on social media.
Email address *
Would you like to be included in future Fossil Free Books correspondence via email?  *
CAPTCHA: what is 1+9? *
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