Contact the CS4All Equity Team
What are you wondering about equitable practices? What questions would you like to pose to our staff or team of professors specializing in equitable practices?
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First Name *
Last Name *
DOE Email *
If you have a DOE email please enter it accurately in the "other" line below.
Preferred Email *
Please check that your email address is entered accurately.
Which are you? *
Please select which of these descriptions is most accurate for your needs.
What is your DBN/School Name? *
If you didn't see the name of the school where work in the previous question, please write the full name of the  school here.
If you did find your school in the dropdown, just write N/A in the box below.
If you didn't find your school in the dropdown please write in your schools DBN below.
A DBN is written with the district number first, the letter representing the borough, and the identifying number of your school. (99N999). If you found your school, either copy over the DBN or type N/A.
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