Crimson Christmas 2018 Donation Form
On December 1st, we will be hosting the 27th Annual Crimson Christmas, a holiday carnival and visit from Santa for 45 elementary kids from Big Brother Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Transy Elves help create a magical day for these children. Elves can sponsor a specific child by fulfilling their wish lists, or they can donate to the program. All the donations go to buying gifts and stockings for this event. A donation of any size is greatly appreciated.

Each child receives one stocking and gifts from their wants and needs list.
Often, parents will bring additional children who are not participants in the program. We would love to provide them stockings as well.

Your money may help purchase:

$5, One stocking for a participating child or other children who families  bring with them
$50, Gifts off of the wants and needs list for one participating child
$55, One stocking for a participating child and gifts off of the wants and needs list

Please contact Madelyn Frost, or 859-233-8886 if you have questions

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Last year your generosity raised over $1500 and provided gifts and memories to 41 children! Thank you for creating 26 years of magic for children in our community, and we look forward to making Crimson Christmas 2018 our best event ever!
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Are you interested in purchasing gifts or donating money? *
How many children would you like to purchase for? *
Would you like to volunteer to wrap presents during our Present Wrapping Party the week prior to the event? *
Would you like more information about volunteering at this event? *
Money can be given to or Madelyn Frost (Forrer 004). Checks should be made out to Transylvania University with “Crimson Christmas” written in the memo line. If you want to purchase gifts on your own, Madelyn Frost will contact you with more information.
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