K-8 Racial Literacy Curriculum Survey
We would appreciate feedback from faculty who have downloaded our K-8 Racial Literacy Curriculum. The results will be used to help us plan next steps. It is completely anonymous. Thank you!
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In which state do you work? *
With which grade(s) do you work? Check all that apply. *
At what type of school do you work? *
Please let us know how you’ve used Pollyanna's K-8 Racial Literacy Curriculum. *
Have you attended any of Pollyanna’s professional development workshops? *
How likely are you to recommend Pollyanna’s Racial Literacy Curriculum to others? *
Not Likely at All
Very Likely
Would a Grade 9-12 Racial Literacy Curriculum be of interest to you? *
Are there particular topics in regard to race and racism that you would like to learn more about?
In addition to the curriculum, are there other forms of support that may be helpful to enhance your racial literacy development?
How competent did you feel discussing race or racism in the classroom at the time when you downloaded this resource? *
In need of great support
Very competent
How competent do you feel discussing race or racism in the classroom today? *
In need of great support
Very competent
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