GITEX 2017 - Application Form
Prima di procedere alla compilazione dell'application form, si prega di prendere visione degli allegati alla circolare informativa al link sotto riportato:

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Job Title *
Start-up Name *
Company Age *
How many direct competitors do you have? *
Last year employees *
How many countries do you have presence in ? *
Last year turnover (in Euro) *
Current monthly growth (%) *
Equity (Share Capital in Euro) *
Is your business established in the UAE ? *
If "NO" : are you interested in setting up an office in the UAE in the future? *
Do you have distributors in the Middle East ? *
Have you received funding previously ? *
If " YES" : How much? *
One Line Pitch (140 characters max). A tweet to say what is the value proposition/the core business of your start-up *
Short description (600 characters max) *
List any product or service sold (400 characters max) *
Customer Type *
Local or Global target *
List founders and provide a short bio (1000 characters max). provide shareholders' list at founding date and their Linkedin profile (if available) *
List any subsequent cofounders and provide short bio (1000 characters max). Provide current shareholders' list up to date and their Linkedin profile (if available) *
List other team members and provide short bio (1000 characters max) with their Linkedin profile (if available) *
Funded *
If yes, from which kind of investors?
If yes, provide list of investors
Incubated or accelerated *
If yes, where?
Ateco Code 2007 (100 characters max) *
Type of legal entity *
Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) *
Included in Registro Imprese Startup/PMI innovative? *
Website *
Admission Date to Registro Imprese
Fundraising target *
Use of funds (example: 20% product development; 40% R&D; 40% marketing strategy) *
Si ricorda di voler restituire all'indirizzo il regolamento firmato e timbrato per accettazione
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