Talk & Training Submissions
Thank you for indicating interest in participating in a QCon or InfoQ event, either by speaking or facilitating a training.

The information we are asking you to provide in this form will help us evaluate if your proposal is suitable for our audience. We will be in touch should your proposal be selected for one of our upcoming events.

Please note, we will be in touch only if your proposal is accepted or if we want more information. We can reach out to speakers anywhere up until 2 week prior to the event. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Title at work or better yet, what do you do? *
Company *
Where are you based (city, country)? *
Bio (please include any interesting projects you’ve worked on/contributed to and write in third-person; keep it to one paragraph): *
What event are you interested about *
Have you presented before? Could you share a link to that presentation?
Is this a proposal for a talk or a training? *
Proposed title (20-70 characters) *
What is the primary topic of this session? *
If this is a talk submission - what track would your session fit on?
Please review the current conference websites to see the confirmed or preliminary tracks
What would be the 3-4 main actionable takeaways you would like your audience to remember and to use after your talk? *
Proposed session technical level: *
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