ASL alphabet T-shirt, Hands Up SD
Please fill out this form if you are interested in buying our T-shirts and we will email you the invoice. The price of each T-shirt is now $25, instead of the original (old) price of $27, plus tax and shipping fee or pick up in San Diego, CA only. 

We are grateful for your support.
Hands Up SD team
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Repeat email (Please confirm your email address) *
Name? (First name, Last name) *
Hands Up SD T-shirt Preview
What is your preferred T-shirt size? *
What color?
How many T-shirts are you ordering? include the size & color. Format example, (2, M, black), (1, L, Heather Navy) or (2, L, random)
What is your shipping address? We will email you a new invoice before shipping your purchase or if pick up, type N/A.
Shipping method or pick up? *
If you chose pick-up, which school? or Our upcoming ASL Social Event?
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How will you pay us for the T-shirt(s)? Here are our available payment methods. *
Optional: Secret code/coupon if you have one
Optional: Any questions or comments
Please understand that all sales are final. We do not offer refunds, returns, or exchanges.
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