S6. Which of the following non-alcoholic beer brands have you purchased one or more products from in the past 12 months? Select all that apply.
If you said you have purchased non-alcoholic beer from over the past month, how many times have you purchased it in the past month? This could be at the grocery store, a bar / restaurant, sports / event venue, or online.
S9. Regarding social media, have you ever/ do you currently get paid/ incentivized with free product or other compensation to promote any non-alcoholic beer brands on your own social media account(s) (e.g., Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.)?
We would like to see a photo of the Athletic Brewing or other non-alcoholic beer brands/ products that you currently have on hand. Are you willing to upload a few photos to this survey? (If you have these beverages on hand, we will give priority to those who have/can send in photos. Must not be stock photos. Please write 24-0133 on a piece of paper and place it next to your non alcoholic beer bottles/cans. Ensure the number is visible in the photo and text it or email to u.
T3. Please tell us a bit about the photo you uploaded, or if you don't have the photo, tell us about the brand you bought and consumed. What led you to purchase the product and what do you like or dislike about it? The more detail you provide the better.
I2. How many children (not siblings) under the age of 18 live in your home?
I4. Which of the following best describes your annual household income?
I7. Which of the following best describes your role in your industry? Select the one that best applies:
I9. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
This is an online in-depth study that you will have access to for approximately 3 days. The study should take 60 minutes to complete. You should plan to complete it in multiple sessions. Because your feedback and time is valuable, if you complete all activities in the time allowed, we will be pleased to offer you a cash incentive. (To be awarded after the study closes and all tasks have been completed.) Are you 100% sure you can commit to the full completion of this study?