Community Builder Form
Start your own local community on!

Community Builders are more than just ambassadors. They are the members of the team who are responsible for actively growing the member base through establishing, maintaining and growing local communities for their towns and cities.

We are committed to building a free and non-profit replacement to Couchsurfing™, so we need to grow to a critical mass of quality couch surfers. The main way we will do this is with your help — by starting and growing a Couchers community where you live and spreading the word.

If you are interested in being part of growing and improving the couch surfing world, this may be the most important way you can help.

* Before filling in the form, please make sure you have a complete profile with at least an image and the "Who I Am" section filled. Edit here:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more Username *
Email address *
Which community would you like to build? (city and country) *
Please write a short description for the community *
50-80 words is a good amount. An example under "General Information":
(Optional) Any other feedback
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