Multiply Group Student Registration
First Baptist Church Forney Student Ministry 2023-24
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Grade (2023-24 school year) *
Cell Number  *
Email Address  *
Are there certain times in day that work better for you to meet? (Goal is for groups to meet consistently the same day and time weekly) *
Days available to Meet: (check all that apply. You will only meet one day per week.) *
Commitment to be in a Multiply Group: (Check that you agree with each statement.) *
Are there any friends you want to be in a Multiply group with? (Not guaranteed)
Are you ready to serve as a student leader in a Multiply group or are you signing up to be a group member? (Requirements to be a student leader: 1) experience of at least one year as a Multiply group member, 2) at least in 10th grade, and 3) no reputation concerns that would disqualify you from serving in a leadership role at present. Any questions on this? Please reach out to Andrew!) *
How can we pray for you specifically as you start this Multiply journey?
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