Cerritos BRV Reservation Request
Cerritos Boutique RV is a small community of long-term travelers and nomadic residents seeking the simplicity of life at Cerritos Beach, Baja California Sur. Please complete this form so we can let you know about availability for your RV or campervan. For additional information, please read our FAQ and Policies: https://www.cerritosbrv.com/faq.html

Walk-ins are highly discouraged.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Check-in date *
We are open October 1, 2023 - June 1, 2024
Anticipated check-out date
RV/campervan Details *
Length? Tow-behind? Slide outs? Hook-ups needed? How many vehicles?
Who is in your group?
How many people? Ages? Pets? Anything else you'd like us to know about you? 
Anything else you'd like us to know?
How did you hear about/find us?
Did you read and understand our policies? CBRV Policies

What section comes after "KIDS"?
All information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that completing this interest form does not guarantee me a place at Cerritos Boutique RV. If confirmed, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations  of CBRV. *
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