Children of Divorced/Separated Parents Survey
The Children of Divorced/Separated Parents Survey is a joint project of Hope 4 Hurting Kids and I Am A Child of Divorce. Thank you for agreeing to answer these questions regarding the divorce of your parents.  

This survey is designed for teens and adults who whose parents were divorced before they reached the age of 18.

The purpose of this survey is to gather information to assist those who want to help and serve children who are currently dealing with the divorce/separation of their parents.  The ultimate goal of this survey is to share the insights gained with others so that we can all be better equipped to help these kids and their families.  Nothing is more revealing in terms of understanding children of divorce than the insights, wisdom and experience of those people who have actually lived through the divorce of their parents, and we have learned much from the six plus years (and hundreds of respondents) from the prior version of survey. Thank you for agreeing to answer these questions. The survey is designed to allow you to spend as much, or as little, time as you have and wish on it. I hope they won’t take up too much of your time.  

While we may share your answers and insights, your name and personal information will not be released.

Should you have any questions about this survey or research, please feel free to e-mail me at  

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