Gall Excavation Estimate Request
Thank you for choosing Gall Excavation for your project! To help us better serve you, please complete this form to give us a better idea of your excavation needs. If you are submitting a request for an estimate online, please plan on approximately 24-48 hours for response time.  

You can also contact Erik through email: or call Scott: (479) 903-6309

Need assistance completing the form? Please call (479) 925-1175.

It is highly recommended to call and have all utilities located to better help with your estimate. It requires a 48 hour notice, but it's free to call 811. ***Please use white paint and/or white flags to mark all utilities.***

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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
E-mail address
Address of proposed work? (Please include street address, city and zip code.) *
What is the time frame you would like this work started? *
What type of work is needed? (Check as many as apply.) *
What material is needed? (Check as many as apply.) *
Are there overhead power lines in the way of unloading equipment or material? *
Is there enough room to turn around a trailer? *
Concrete work needed? *
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