2018 GPNY Legislative Priorities Local Outreach Survey
At the September 2017 Green Party of New York State Committee meeting, the GPNY SC voted to make the following issues statewide legislative priorities in 2018: climate change, public transit, banning plastic bags, and universal health care and passing the New York Health Act.
The purpose is for the Green Party of New York State Committee to learn about the local political dynamics and grassroots organizing related to these issues.
***WHO should answer this survey?***
Officers of GPNY-affiliated county organizations, GPNY State Committee Members, organizing committee members of county groups seeking GPNY affiliation. Those Greens are encouraged to gather information from local Greens and allies who are involved with these issues.
Please share as much as you can about the local social and political dynamics as they relate to these issues; what local organizing efforts may be underway; and how and if local Green Party members are involved.