Have you contacted a Bubbaville Board member about this project? If so, who
have you talked to?
Your answer
Please provide us details about the project you would like Bubbaville to support.
Project Name:
Your answer
Project Date(s):
Clear selection
Which of these best describes your project: (check all that apply)
Are you requesting a project loan or project support?
Clear selection
Total Amount of Funding Requested: $
Your answer
Total Amount of Loan Requested: $
Your answer
Please provide a description of your project (2 pages max). In your description, make sure you include: -Who is your audience? -How does this project meet Bubbaville’s mission to promote traditional
music and dance?
-A budget including how funds will be used and where profits, if any, will be
distributed. Please include both income and expenses for the whole project
and tell us how Bubbaville funding will be used.
Your answer
I agree that all of the information above is correct to the best of my
knowledge and I will abide by all instructions outlined above: Enter your name to agree and sign