Becoming Unstoppable | Coaching Request

You're applying for Diana's Becoming Unstoppable Coaching Program.

Are you curious about how my coaching + subconscious reprogramming can help you and if we would be a good fit?

Book a 45 to 50-minute free consultation call with me to see if we'd be a great coach-client match.

We'll have a casual chat, and I'll ask you some questions to better understand what you're looking to achieve. If I think we're a good match and you want to know more details about my coaching offers, then we can talk details.

Finally, if my coaching doesn't sound like it's best for you, I can recommend alternatives. I promise there is zero pressure to sign, no scarcity tactics, and total encouragement for you to make your decision from a place of power and not from fear. I only work with people who are 100% committed to their transformation and who I know are a fit for what I offer. 

Once you're done with the following questions, you'll be prompted to go to Calendly. Please select the time and day that works best for our call. Make sure to choose a time when you can focus on the call and talk calmly.

If you can't find a time that works for you, please email me at or DM me on Instagram here:

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Email *
Full name *
City and country of residence *
Phone number (include the country code. E.g. +18187422853 ) *
Tell me a bit about your business, who do you help and how do you help them? Or asked another way, what niche are you in, what are you selling? *
Have you made your first 10 sales yet?
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What's your Instagram URL (e.g. *
What is currently working well for you in your business?
What is your #1 problem/obstacle in your business as it relates to mindset and emotional regulation right now?
What got you interested in working with me specifically? And why now? *
What specific outcome are you looking to achieve or specific issues are you looking to solve, which you think my Becoming Unstoppable Coaching Program could help you achieve? And why is it important to get this outcome/solve these issues right now? *
How will your business and life look like in one year if you don't get this outcome/solve these issues? *
What would getting this outcome/solving these issues make possible for you in your business and life? *
If you believed that joining my Becoming Unstoppable Coaching Program would be the key to achieving the outcome you stated above, would you be willing to invest between US$1450 and US$2800 in that solution?
If we find during our call that the Becoming Unstoppable Coaching Program is a fit for both of us, is there anything that would hold you back from getting started right away?
Have you read my website ( and generally understand the type of coaching that I do? *
Have you tried EFT/tapping, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, or other subconscious rewiring and nervous system regulation modalities before? If so, which ones have you tired exactly and what was your experience. If not, just let me know below you haven't tried any before. *
On a scale from 1 to 10, how committed and determined are you to doing the work, taking consistent action, and applying what you learn in our work together so that you can take your business and life to the next level? (Where 10 is the maximum level of commitment and determination). *
How did you find me? (If referral, who referred you. Social media, website, Healthscool, Dr. Junger, etc.) *
Once you submit this form, you will be prompted to schedule a discovery call in Calendly, please, make sure you complete that step. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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