Ages of Globalization (AOG): Join the Journey this Fall!

We are thrilled to invite you to join an extraordinary initiative that promises to transform the educational landscape for students aged 14 and up!

The Ages of Globalization (AOG) is a free, multidisciplinary, interactive course designed to prepare learners from around the world to tackle today’s sustainable development challenges. Inspired by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs' groundbreaking book, this course propels students through place and time, merging world history, science, geography, and technology into an immersive educational adventure.

Imagine your students virtually traveling to UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites, where storytelling and exploration bring history to life. This dynamic curriculum is not just about education; it's about connection and inspiration. Through interactive maps and global classroom connections, students will become explorers on a mission to understand humanity's interconnectedness, including vital lessons on sustainable development and the pressing challenges of the 21st century. 

To join this journey and its learning community, please complete the survey below!

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Region (where your school is located) *
Country (where your school is located) *
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What grade(s) do you teach? *
Which subject(s) do you teach? (Please select all that apply) *
How would you describe your school? (Please select all that apply) *
My school is part of the following global school network(s). (Please choose all that apply)
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