Please read and sign your name at the bottom if you agree to the Raider Express policies:
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Raider Express, Inc. is committed to providing a work environment that is free of all forms of unlawful discrimination and/or harassment. In keeping with this commitment, we maintain a strict policy prohibiting all forms of unlawful discrimination and/or harassment,  including sexual harassment. We will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or other inappropriate behavior toward employees by other employees, or by our clients or vendors. Likewise, we will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or other inappropriate behavior toward a customer or vendor by any employee of Raider Express, Inc.

This includes harassment because of race, color, religion, sex (which includes pregnancy or pregnancy-related medical conditions), national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, disability, or any other characteristic protected by local, state or federal law.

Raider Express, Inc. will not tolerate sexual harassment or any other form of harassment of discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, handicap or disability.

Harassment or discrimination in the workplace by any employee will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

While it is not always easy to define precisely what harassment is, it includes any physical, verbal or visual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment which interferes with work performance.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical or visual conduct of a sexual or harassing nature constitute unlawful harassment  if;

Submission to such conduct is made an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment.

Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting an individual or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of either unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Examples of such conduct which violate this policy include, but are not limited  to:

Offensive or unwelcome sexual flirtations, touching, advances or propositions.

Verbal harassment of a sexual nature, such as lewd comments, innuendos, sexual jokes or references, and offensive personal references.
Graphic or sexually suggestive, demeaning or intimidating comments about an individual.

The display in the workplace of sexually suggestive or intimidating objects, pictures, graffiti, cartoons, magazines, calendars, posters, pictures, photographs or other literature.

Sexually suggestive or intimidating written, recorded, or electronically transmitted messages, voice mails, emails, instant-messages, text messages, chat room and blog messages.

Other verbal and/or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:

(1) Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used or is threatened to be used as a condition of employment;
(2) Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used or is threatened to be used as the basis for employment decisions;
(3) The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance; or
(4) The conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Procedure: If you experience, observe or become aware of behavior which you believe to be harassing or discriminatory in nature, which is inappropriate or offensive, or which makes you or others uncomfortable, you have an obligation to report the behavior immediately to either your supervisor or the Human Resources Department at (800) 234-1534. Providing confidential information of this type will enable Raider Express, Inc. to take appropriate action to ensure that employees enjoy a work environment free from harassment. All information gathered under this policy will be kept as confidential as possible to protect you while allowing Raider Express, Inc. to fully investigating the matter.

It is our policy to investigate any report of harassment or other inappropriate behavior. All investigations will be designed to protect the privacy of, and minimize suspicion toward all parties concerned. Investigation of a complaint may include, but is not limited to, interviewing the complaining and accusing parties as well as other employees or persons necessary to obtain sufficient.information upon which to make an assessment of the situation. While we will make every effort to be sensitive to privacy issues, in the course of an investigation we will discuss relevant information  with appropriate parties on a need-to-know basis.

We will take whatever corrective action is deemed appropriate, including disciplinary action or termination  of any individual who violates this policy.  In addition, any individual  who engages in conduct contrary to this policy may be personally liable in legal action brought against him or her. Likewise, maliciously false accusations that are made in bad faith may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Raider Express, Inc. prohibits retaliation of any kind against any individual who reports: 1) discrimination; 2) harassment; 3) other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct; 4) or who participates in an investigation of such reports.

Retaliation against an individual for: 1) reporting harassment, discrimination, or other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct; or 2) for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct is a serious violation of this policy and, like harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct itself, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. If an employee believes they are being retaliated against, they should immediately discuss their concerns with their supervisor or with Mike Eggleton Jr.

Raider Express, Inc. provides equal opportunities to all qualified employees, and applicants for employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex (includes pregnancy or pregnancy­ related medical conditions), national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, military status, genetic information, disability, or any other characteristic protected by local, state or federal law. This includes all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to the  following:

Hiring, promoting, upgrading or transferring employees
Pay and other forms of compensation
Benefits, including Raider Express, Inc. provided training, education, social and recreational programs
Leaves of absence
Workforce reduction, termination and recall

Raider Express, Inc. is fully committed to making reasonable accommodations that would allow a qualified individual to perform the essential functions of their job, without causing Raider Express, Inc. an undue hardship. It is an employee's responsibility to request an accommodation in connection with work-related issues involving a disability, a religious practice or a related reason. All employees should make accommodation requests directly to their immediate supervisor or to the HR Manager. Once the accommodation request is received, Raider Express, Inc. will meet with the employee to discuss and identify precise limitations resulting from the disability or religious practice involved, and potential accommodations that Raider Express, Inc. might make under the circumstances.

The HR Manager, in conjunction with management representatives who have a need to know (e.g., the employee's supervisor) will determine reasonableness of possible accommodations, considering various factors: the essential functions of the employee's job; the nature and cost of the accommodation; overall financial resources; the impact of the accommodation on operations; and the impact on the ability of other employees to perform their duties.  An accommodation may be denied based on the circumstances and factors presented.
The supervisor will inform the employee of the decision.

Raider Express, Inc., does not, and will not permit any of its employees to engage in discriminatory practices involving individuals they come in contact with as representatives of this Company or involving their co-workers.

If you believe you are being discriminated against or believe discrimination is occurring within Raider Express, Inc., you need to report it immediately. The first time you believe this policy is being violated, you should make your concerns known to your supervisor or to Mike Eggleton Jr.
If you experience, observe or become aware of behavior which you believe to be harassing or discriminatory in nature, which is inappropriate or offensive, or which makes you or others uncomfortable, you have an obligation to report the behavior immediately to either your supervisor or the Human Resources Department at (800) 234-1534. All information gathered under this policy will be kept as confidential as possible to protect you while allowing Raider Express, Inc. to fully investigating the matter.

Raider Express, Inc. prohibits retaliation of any kind against any individual who reports: 1) discrimination; 2) harassment; 3) other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct; 4) or who participates in an investigation of such reports.

Retaliation against an individual for: 1) reporting harassment, discrimination, or other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct; or 2) for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct is a serious violation of this policy and, like harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate, unprofessional or unethical conduct itself, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. If an employee believes they are being retaliated against, they should immediately discuss their concerns with their supervisor or with HR Manager.

Sign your name if you Agree: I acknowledge that you have been given a copy of Raider Express Inc.'s POLICY AGAINST HARASSMENT, DISCRIMINATION, AND  RETALIATION and EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPOURTUNITY policy.  I have read and understand Raider Express, Inc.'s POLICY AGAINST HARASSMENT, DISCRIMINATION, AND RETALIATION *
Sign your name if you Agree: I have read and understand Raider Express, Inc.'s EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY policy. *
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