AABANY Career Placement Committee Intake Questionnaire
We respect your privacy. All information disclosed will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, limited to only the Career Placement Committee and AABANY staff. If at any point in your job search you would like to have your information removed from our database, please contact Simone Nguyen at simone.nguyen@aabany.org to have your records disposed of permanently.

In order for the Career Placement Committee to best serve you, we advise that you please send your resume to resume@aabany.org. Assistance from the Career Placement Committee is one of the member benefits of AABANY; you must be a member in order for the Career Placement Committee to serve you.
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Personal & Contact Information
Name *
Email *
I would like to be included in the Career Placement Committee mailing list. *
Phone Number
Are you an Asian American Bar Association of New York member? *
Undergraduate Institution *
Year Graduated from Undergraduate Institution *
Law School *
Year Graduated from Law School *
Please list any additional degrees or graduate work, including institution and year received.
Interests & Needs
Which best describes you? *
Please describe the type of position you are interested in and your ideal work environment. *
Practice Area *
Employer Preference *
Please check no more than 3 boxes.
Please list your city or cities of preference. *
Willingness to relocate: *
1 - Under no circumstances can I move. 10 - I've already packed my bags!
Which best describes you? *
Are there any special circumstances regarding your job search?
E.g. Pregnancy/maternity leave, military service, necessary relocation, etc.
Most Recent/Relevant Work Experience
Employer *
Practice Area/Background *
Title/Seniority Level *
How long did you work here? *
Notes, including major projects or accomplishments:
Additional Work Experience
Optional. To submit any further additional experience, please submit your resume to resume@aabany.org.
Practice Area/Background
Title/Seniority Level
How long did you work here?
Notes, including major projects or accomplishments:
Final Section
Are there any notes or special circumstances that the Career Placement Committee should be aware of?
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
Have you submitted your resume? *
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