947 加拿大模擬入籍考試

每個永久居民 5 年內在加拿大住滿 3 年都有機會入籍加拿大。加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 為大家準備了以下20條有關加拿大的問題,只要你答中 75% (15題) 就代表你成功可以申請入籍,成為加拿大國民。事不宜遲,馬上開始!

Every permanent resident who has lived in Canada for 3 years within 5 years has the opportunity to be a citizen in Canada. Fairchild FM94.7 has prepared the following 20 questions about Canada for everyone. As long as you answer 75% (15 questions) correctly, it means that you can successfully apply for citizenship. Let’s get started!

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1.    誰是加拿大最大的貿易夥伴?Who is Canada's largest trading partner?

1 point

2.       在加拿大,你可以質疑警察的服務或操守嗎?In Canada, are you allowed to question the police about their service or conduct?

1 point

3.       誰是Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?Who was Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?

Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
圖片來源:McCord Stewart Museum 

1 point
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4.       加拿大在世界上最大的國家中排名第幾?Where does Canada rank in the world’s largest countries?

1 point
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5.    請列出聯邦政府的兩個職責。Name two responsibilities of the federal government?

1 point

6.       如果你沒有收到投票時間和地點的選民資訊卡,該怎麼辦?What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote?

1 point

7.       哪個省最後加入加拿大?Which was the last province to join Canada?

1 point

8.       大約有多少加拿大人參加了第一次世界大戰?Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War?

1 point

9.       哪個省份在聯邦制度下被一分為二?Which province was split into two at Confederation?

1 point

10.    請列出五大湖的名稱。Name the five Great lakes?
Lake Ontario

1 point
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11.       在1960年代,魁北克省經歷了一個快速變化的時代。這個叫什麼?In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called?


1 point
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12.    聯邦選舉後,哪個政黨組成新政府?After a federal election, which party forms the new government?

1 point

13.       參議員是如何選出的?How are Senators chosen?

1 point

14.    哪個省份最早賦予婦女投票權?Which province was the first to grant voting rights to women?

1 point

15.       君主和首相的角色有什麼區別?What is the difference between the role of the Sovereign and that of the Prime Minister?

1 point

16.       「加拿大」這個名字從何而來?From where does the name “Canada” come from?

1 point

17.       英屬北美法案在何時生效?When did the British North America Act come into effect?

1 point

18.       加拿大聯邦法院Supreme Court of Canada會審理哪些類型的案件?What types of cases are heard by the Federal Court of Canada?


1 point
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19.       「不記名投票權」是什麼意思?What does the “right to a secret ballot” mean?

1 point

20.       議會大廈的和平塔於 1927 年竣工,用來紀念什麼的?The Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings was completed in 1927 in honour of?


1 point
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