Word of Mouth - Tell us How you Sell us!
Howdy retailers - this is for you, by you! Put your expertise to use and share your knowledge on b-Vibe, Le Wand, and The Cowgirl products for a chance to be featured in one of our upcoming B2B Newsletters. If we feature you - you'll receive an exclusive goodie bag with popular products and swag as our way of thanking you for your hard work in changing the world for the better - one sex toy at a time! 
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Which product/s are your go-to products once you learn more about your guest/s interests.
Please choose as many as you are comfortable expanding upon - you can provide specific colors and sizes later in the form
In this section, please expand upon your previous answer/s 
For example, if you answered "Le Wand: Original and/or Petite Attachments above," let us know which attachments you are expertly selling
In this section, Sell us! What are you explaining to your guests about the products discussed above? What are your go-to pitches? What sets your guidance apart from folks who might have challenges explaining the same products? Show us what you got! *
What is the name of your store?
be sure to check spelling - we will use this if you are featured in the newsletter!
How long have you been helping folks on their respective pleasure journeys? *
Where are you located? 
(please include City /State / Province / Country)
What is your name? 
be sure to check spelling - we will use this if you are featured in the newsletter!
What are your pronouns?
we will use this if you are featured in the newsletter!
Please Confirm your e-mail address
we will need this to request an image if you are featured in an upcoming newsletter
Do you already receive our Wholesale Newsletters for b-Vibe / Le Wand / The Cowgirl?  *
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