CDA Membership Registration
Please fill out this form to become a member of Columbus Dance Alliance for one (1) full calendar year. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: After you submit this form, you will see the message "Your response has been recorded - Payment is required as the next step!" You'll then see a clickable link that will take you to the payment portal. 

If you navigate away from this page, you should receive an email reminder with a link to make payment within 24 hours. If no payment is received, your membership will not be considered active. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns
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Correo *
Member Information
Name *
Please provide your first and last name, as well as your preferred name (Ex. Jonathan Doe, "John")
Are you a member of any other dance organizations, companies, or studio staff rosters? If so, please list them here. 
Membership Directory
Would you like to have you contact information listed in our membership directory? Directory listings will include name, email, and any affiliations that you list.
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Membership *
Please select from the following membership options. Membership is offered on a sliding scale based on the recommended amounts below. You will be asked to indicate your membership total in the next section.

PLEASE NOTE: Individual membership is most appropriate for solo or single artists. Organizational membership is most appropriate for companies, studios, or organizations that support many dancers but have a unified programming structure. Individuals that are part of larger organizational members who would like to promote individual projects should join as individual members. 

The recommended sliding scale is as follows:
  • Individual Membership – $10.00-30.00
  • Organizational Membership – $30.00-50.00
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