Group Volunteer Request Form
If your corporate, civic or academic group or organization would like to volunteer for a service day at BAHS, please complete and submit this form to give our team some basic information. .

The availability of group opportunities vary depending upon the size of the group, the time of the year, the group's availability and immediate shelter needs. Projects may include trail maintenance, yard clean up, cleaning and organization projects, miscellaneous maintenance such as painting, washing and detailing the BAHS vehicle and assembly of items. We will do our best to provide animal interactions to thank you for all your hard work.

Please note that individuals participating in a service day must be 16, with a parental waiver signed, or older.

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Email *
Group name (business, civic organization, school group, etc.) *
Contact person name *
Contact phone number *
Preferred days of week/date range *
Number of hours you anticipate serving *
Number of possible volunteers *
Special concerns or notes (allergies, physical limitations, etc.) *
Please provide any other details you would like to share about what you are looking for and how we can help build a great event for your team. *
Would your company be interested in learning more about Corporate Sponsorship at BAHS?
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