XDA's Teacher Assistant Program Application
Our Teacher Assistant Program is for dancers interested in assisting with our younger dance classes. Assistants are an important part of our program. For the full list of responsibilities and more information please visit our website here: https://www.xtremedanceacademy.com/teaching-assistants

Please note: this form will close promptly at 11:59 pm on August 5th, 2024
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Name (First and Last): *
Applicants email: *
Parent/Guardians email:  *
Applicants age: *
Applicants grade: *
How long have you (the applicant) been dancing? *
Have you been an assistant teacher before? *
If so, what classes have you assisted with?
Why would you like to become an assistant teacher? *
To be an assistant teacher, you are expected to show respect, understanding, and compassion towards all other students and instructors. You are expected to be a role model to everyone. Please check here that you ahve read through all T.A guidelines (link at top of form) and if you are selected will you be able to hold yourself to these standards.
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