DLAC Community Based Set of Sessions Interest
If you attended one or more of the Community Based Set of Sessions around a specific session at DLAC and would like to continue the conversation throughout the year, through the Digital Learning Collaborative (DLC), complete the form below and we will be in touch with more information soon!

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
I am interested in continuing the conversations through a DLC community throughout the year. Please select the community topic(s) you would like more information about. *
Join the DLC!
The communities will be a membership benefit of the Digital Learning Collaborative (DLC). Joining as an individual, school, org, etc. will give you access to all communities, resources, events, etc. provided by the DLC. Please email dlc@evergreenedgroup.com with any questions or for more information. To join, follow these steps below.
  1. Navigate to the DLC website - digitallearningcollab.com
  2. Click on Membership in the top navigation and choose Membership Overview
  3. Examine the DLC membership options. Once you have chosen the one that works for you, click the button titled - Join as a Member.
  4. Read the directions on the presented page and then click the button titled - Continue to Join as a Member. This will open a new tab or window in your browser.
  5. If you are new to the DLC, click the link titled - Need to Create a User Account
  6. Enter the required information and click on the button titled - Create User Account
  7. Work through the member creation process.
  8. You are presented with two payment options. You may pay by credit card or you may generate an invoice to pay by check or wire transfer. The invoice process requires a customer reference number (PO number) of your choice.
  9. If you chose the invoice process you may view and download your invoice.
  10. You will receive a confirmation email with information on how to access DLC materials and begin networking with your peers.
Thanks for joining the Digital Learning Collaborative! We will be in touch soon!
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