Girls Who Code 2023-24 Club Registration
Tech Journey is organizing a Girls Who Code club for the 2023-24 academic year. Girls Who Code clubs are free programs for 6th-12th grade students to join a sisterhood of supportive peers and role models using computer science to change the world. Clubs offer fun activities through a flexible curriculum that adapts based on the group's unique needs. Club members build coding skills and community as they complete coding projects. Central Iowa tech industry members will guide the meetings and curriculum for the club.

Girls Who Code Des Moines club meetups will take place in Room 1170 of the historic Franklin Junior High, 4801 Franklin Ave in Des Moines, Iowa. Meetups will be held monthly on Sunday afternoons with specific dates listed in the Girls Who Code app and announced at the meetups. Equipment is provided but students are encouraged to bring their own if possible.

A Girls Who Code club account is required. Go to, click the Sign up option and follow the prompts. When asked for a club ID, enter IA51381. 

A parent/guardian is required to complete and submit this registration.
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Parental Permission
I, the parent/guardian of the named student and listed in the last section of this form, grant permission for my student to participate in this Girls Who Code club. I am committed to supporting and assisting my student to attend and participate fully. I understand the information collected in this form is considered private and will be used solely by Tech Journey and will not be shared with third parties.
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Street Address *
Student City *
Student Zip Code *
Student Email *
Student Mobile Phone
Student Gender *
Student Ethnicity/Race *
Student Grade *
Select the grade your student will be entering for the 2023-24 school year.
Student School *
Enter the student's school and district he/she/they will be attending for the 2023-24 academic year.
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