Use this form to request an interpreter
NOTE: EL paraprofessionals are not allowed to interpret for IEP, GEI or 504 meetings.

This request must be received 10 school days (i.e. AT LEAST TWO WEEKS) in advance to ensure assignment of staff. Time slots fill up fast, so the earlier your request, the more likely your desired meeting time can be reserved.

The interpreter will call the parents the day before the meeting to introduce him/herself, and to remind them of the day and time of that meeting.

Contact the interpreter with the list of names and titles of attendees, as well as a copy of the IEP/504, evaluation draft, or summary of the subject to be discussed during the meeting to review (necessary for accurate interpreting). It is also important to clarify any concerns you may have about how the meeting will work.

After the meeting, any comments will be welcome to improve the process of a meeting that requires an interpreter.

Call Rebecca Panovich with any comment or concerns at 785-235-7262, or email
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Email address *

I understand that EL paraprofessionals are not allowed to interpret for IEP, MDR or 504 meetings
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