Workshop presenters and adjudicators are paid. Please include the address you'd like your check to be sent to. *You MUST complete a W-4 before leaving the conference.
Your answer
City *
Your answer
State *
Your answer
Zip *
Your answer
Workshop Application
All workshop presenters must be willing to present their workshops twice in order to facilitate the number of students enrolled.
Workshop #1 Title
Your answer
Please give a brief description of Workshop #1
This is to be included in the Festival Program
Your answer
Ability level of Workshop #1
Clear selection
Workshop #2 Title
Your answer
Please give a brief description of Workshop #2
This is to be included in the Festival Program
Your answer
Ability level of Workshop #2
Clear selection
Please select which workshop slots you are NOT available to present during:
Adjudication Application
If Adjudicating, please select which areas you feel comfortable providing professional feedback:
Please note that categories may be combined with others if entries are low in numbers.
Please select any times you are NOT available to adjudicate:
Most adjudications will take place on Saturday AFTER scholarship auditions have completed their call backs.