2025 4-H Top Chef Entry Form
Thanks for your interest in the 4-H Top Chef video contest.  Please complete all of the information on this form and submit your video by February 15. Videos can be shared through a google link, or by sending in a simple format (easiest to view and share with judges) to lbovitz@njaes.rutgers.edu .  If you have questions or concerns, please contact Laura at lbovitz@njaes.rutgers.edu.  (Please be sure any google link is set to be able to be viewed by anyone with the link - thanks!)
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Email *
Name and Current Grade of Person Entering *
Individual or Team Entry *
If this is a team entry, please list the name and grade of team member. *
Which county 4-H program are you a part of? *
Please list the mailing address for the each applicant (to mail certificate and ribbons).  Please include town and zip code. *
Please check which category/categories your food item fits in. *
Please list the name of the dish/dishes being prepared. *
Please list any specific questions or comments and we will get back to you.
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