Application for the 2024 SUNY Oswego Van Buren Inn and Tavern Historic Preservation Field School
Due Date for the First Application Round is April 10, 2024. After that date, it's first come, first serve rolling basis for open spaces. There are only ten seats in the field school. The Field School Director (Dr. Alanna Ossa) will add you directly to the ANT 380 class once your application is accepted and you confirm via email.
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Field School Logistics
The accredited Field School is being held through SUNY Oswego’s Summer Session 1-2 classes, from May 20th to June 28th, 2024. The class listing is ANT 380 (6 credits) and will take place in at SUNY Oswego in the Archaeology Lab Mahar 209 and Mahar 309 on campus, and on location at the Van Buren site just outside the city of Oswego, NY. This is a six credit course with no prerequisites, just this application (and acceptance by the program director, Dr. Alanna Ossa). If you are a SUNY Oswego student, you must submit your application to be added to the class. If you are not a SUNY Oswego student you must be admitted to SUNY Oswego in order to take this class. NOTE: you may not take this class for less than six credits, it will be a daily in-person class.
Field School Director
Dr. Alanna Ossa, Department of Anthropology, SUNY Oswego
Last Name (Family Name) *
First Name *
Student ID (required for registration purposes) *
email address (school email preferred) *
Major/s (e.g., Anthropology, etc.) *
Minor/s (e.g. Anthropology, etc.) *
Year of Study in Fall 2024
Column 1
Current College or University if NOT SUNY Oswego. Please note you will need to register for the full 6 credits of ANT 380 to take this class.
Coursework: Please list any courses that may be relevant for your preparedness level for the field school, including but not limited to anthropology courses. This is for instructor preparedness only; this will not determine your acceptance to this field school course.
Experience: Please briefly describe any previous archaeological field or laboratory experience you have had, including dates and any institutions (outside Oswego). Previous experience is not required, but helpful for planning.
Health and outdoor comfort: The excavation portion of the field school will take place outside in a city yard in Volney (Van Buren site just outside of Oswego city) and will occasionally involve some heavier labor (think, light shovel work or moving materials). Your baseline health information will allow the school to include a good mix of people so we can safely accommodate different levels of outdoor skills in this class.
Dietary/Allergies: During active excavation, our days run 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, so students will be on their own for lunch (after class) but occasional snacks and water will be provided by the field school. If you have any severe allergies or issues with exposure to food groups (e.g. nuts, milk, etc.) please mention this so we can be prepared and avoid any dietary issues. *
Potential Work conflicts. List any potential dates of conflict. The field school runs 6 weeks (Summer session 1-2) May 20th to June 28th, and meets daily Monday thru Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. I can accommodate limited absences but a lot will interfere with your curricular experience. If you do not foresee any, please enter "Not applicable". *
I acknowledge that I will be contacted by the Director (Dr. Alanna Ossa) prior to being added to the class (if my application is accepted). Note: I will confirm with all students prior to adding them to the class. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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