The Three Bridges race sign up for the next race 

Your race number is for life, so please remember it. If you can't remember your number, go to this page

This form is NOT for new runners. Nor is it for people who previously ran before covid and haven't registered since. If you fit into that category, go to this page and register as a new runner

By signing up for the race, you are declaring that you are a responsible adult, aged 18 or over. Children may not run.

If you'd like to volunteer for this race, go to this page

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your race number *
Are you running in the next race?   *
Space for you to tell the organisers something
Just in case you've forgotten your number, or your number is wrong, tell us your name (this is just a fall back, and normally we won't check this field)
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