WAC 22-23 Faculty Seminar Application
Lehman Writing Across the Curriculum, 2022-23
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First Name *
Last Name *
Department & College (no acronyms please) *
Position/rank *
Preferred email address *
Full-time or part-time *
Years teaching *
Years teaching at Lehman *
What WAC or professional development workshops (if any) have you participated in at Lehman or elsewhere? Have any been related to anti-racist pedagogy? Please describe. *
In what ways do you currently include writing in your courses? In what ways do you grade writing in your courses? Please describe either one writing assignment/activity or one grading policy/rubric that you use and your reasons for using it. Alternatively, you can describe one writing assignment/activity or one grading policy/rubric that you no longer use and your reasons for discarding it. *
This year-long program will reflect on best practices for using writing to foster anti-racist civic engagement, compassion, and solidarity. In your experience, how does writing and writing pedagogy support anti-racist practices in our community? *
What have you been meaning to read but haven't had the time to on anti-racism, colonialism and/or capitalism in higher education, abolitionist teaching, labor contract/ ungrading, translanguaging/language justice, social justice, climate justice, etc.? What would you like to read? Titles and authors would be helpful as we compile our reading list. *
Here's a list of readings we've compiled so far (don't worry; we won't read all of them!). Check off texts that you would be interested in reading in community: *
What do you hope to put into place with the support of the year long workshop (you may check off more than one but are only required to check off one) *
If you'd like, you may explain your ideas for the above for how the seminar will help support your teaching, in 1-2 sentences. (optional)
Please confirm that you will be able to attend all six sessions of the seminar. Fridays 10am-1pm on ZOOM September 23, October 21, December 2, February 24, March 31, April 21. *
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