Litmus interest survey
Please complete this survey by June 20th.

This is a quick survey on the current use of and interest for Litmus (

The U's Marketing Cloud team is considering a Litmus subscription that would allow University units to have their messages tested—prior to sending them—in order to make sure they look and work correctly on multiple devices and operating systems.
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Have you ever used, or do you currently use Litmus?
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If you have used Litmus, what features did you use?
Would you be interested in having your emails tested for look and functionality on multiple devices?
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Do you have any additional comments?
Please provide your email address if you'd like us to contact you with information on Litmus in the future.
Thank you,
The results of this survey will be presented at the June Marketing Cloud User Group Meeting. You can find more information and RSVP to that event @
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