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TASS Membership - Expression of Interest
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Alliance for Sustainable Schools!
Please provide your information below and a member of our team will get back to you soon.
Below are the initial steps to joining The Alliance:
Reach out to or fill out this form as an expression of your school's interest to join
Written confirmation that the school would like to become a member of TASS via email
TASS team to send through the TASS Onboarding Manual and invoice
School to make the payment for membership fees (USD 325 p/a + one-time joining fee of USD 65)
Principal to sign the Sustainable Schools Charter
School to appoint two TASS Student Ambassadors
School to access TASS digital Community of Practice Platform
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
My school is interested in joining TASS, an international non-profit network of schools working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.
We're not sure yet
I can confirm that my school would like to proceed with the payment for TASS Membership Fee (US$325 + one-time registration fee of US$65) and receive the TASS Onboarding Manual.
Yes - we're ready to become a member
No - we need more information
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Your Title
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Your Email
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