Chippewa Valley Irish Dance 2024/2025 season registration for new dancers
Thank you for your interest in joining us! Please fill out the form below in its entirety. You will receive an email to confirm receipt of your registration as soon as possible after it is completed, and additional information will be sent out prior to the session start date.

Discounts are available for those paying for a trimester or the session in full.
  • $20 registration fee for each family
  • Fall- 11 weeks September- November (includes one missed/personal day): $120 if paid in full; $45 if paying per month
  • Winter- 10 weeks January-March: $120 in full; $45 if paying per month
  • Spring- 10 weeks April-early June: $120 in full; $45 if paying per month
  • Entire season - 31 weeks September-June (includes 4 missed/personal days): $297; $35 if paying per month

There are discounts for multiple dancers in a family:
  • 2nd dancer – 10% discount 2nd dancer’s tuition
  • 3rd dancer – 20% discount 3rd dancer’s tuition
  • 4th dancer – 30% discount 4th dancer’s tuition
  • 5th dancer – 40% discount 5th dancer’s tuition
Payment can be made in full or monthly. If paying monthly, tuition paid in installments is due on or before the 1st of each month.  Monthly payment is the same regardless of holidays or breaks. 

Classes are held in Menomonie. In the event of several cancellations related to inclement weather, CVID will schedule make-up classes. 
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Dancer Name *
Date of birth *
Phone number *
Email address *
Parent/guardian name and phone if under 18
Communication preferences *
Which class are you registering for? If you are unsure, please email us and we will provide guidance. *
For first-time registrants: Does the dancer have any previous Irish Dance experience? If yes, please elaborate. *
Emergency Contact: Name, relationship and phone number *
Please list all medical conditions, including allergies, medical conditions, and prior injuries. Please include details about medication the student may need to keep on hand.
Paying per class or the full session *
Payment method *
Payment frequency
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How did you hear about us? *
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