Best Buddy Pet Rescue - Cat Adoption Form
You must be 21 years or older.  
Have your landlord’s and/or parent(s) contact information/consent if you rent or live at home.
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Email *
General Information
Which cat are you interested in? *
Why are you adopting this cat? *
(check all that apply)
Who are you adopting for? *
Primary Adopter's Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Home Phone Number: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Are you over the age of 21? *
Driver's License Number: *
**If you do not fill comfortable providing this application online, please write "Ask in Person"
Expiration Date: *
**If you do not fill comfortable providing this application online, please write "Ask in Person"
Email Address: *
Are you employed, retired, student, or other? Please Explain. *
If employed, please provide us with the name of your employer.   *
Write N/A if this does not apply to you.
Work Phone Number: *
Write N/A if this does not apply to you.
Secondary Adopter's Information
If there is no secondary adopter for this application, please fill N/A for the required fields.  
Secondary's First Name: *
Secondary's Last Name: *
Are you over the age of 21? (Secondary) *
Relationship to Primary Adopter: *
Secondary's Home Phone Number: *
Write N/A if this does not apply to you.
Secondary's Cell Phone Number: *
Write N/A if this does not apply to you.
Secondary Driver's License Number: *
If you do not fill comfortable providing this application online, please write "Ask in Person". Write "N/A" if this does not apply to you.
Secondary's Expiration Date: *
If you do not fill comfortable providing this application online, please write "Ask in Person". Write "N/A" if this does not apply to you.
Secondary's Email Address: *
Household Information
What do you currently live in: *
How long have you lived at your current address? *
Do you have any pet restrictions? *
Do you... *
If renting, please provide your landlord’s name and number: *
If you do not have a landlord, please type N/A.
How many adults are living in the household? *
Children living in the household? *
Please list the ages of any children living in the household: *
If you do not have any children living in your household, please type N/A.
Does anyone in the household have allergies? *
If you do NOT live alone, do all the members in the household know you plan on adopting a pet? *
What is the longest period of time the cat would be left home alone on an average day? *
Where will the cat stay when you are not home? *
(check all that apply)
Cat Adoption Questions
Where will your cat stay? *
What would you do if your cat stopped using the litter pan? *
Do you plan on declawing your new cat? *
If you answered yes to getting the new cat declawed, can you please explain the details of when, where, and what type of procedure? *
If you answered no to declawing your new cat, then please type N/A.
Have all the cats in your care been tested for FeLV/FIV? *
If you answered yes to testing the cats in your care for FeLV/FIV, what were the results of the test(s)? *
If you answered no or N/A, please type N/A for this question.  
Pet History
As an adult have you ever owned a pet? (past and/or present) *
If you answer no to this question, make sure that you answer N/A for all the rest of the questions under Pet History.
Have you filled out an application with another rescue? *
If you answered yes above, were you denied? *
If you answered yes to filling out an application with another rescue, can you explain the details. *
Type N/A if you have not filled out an application for another rescue.  
Have you ever given your pet away to someone else or a shelter? *
If you answered yes, please explain. *
If you answered no, please type N/A.  
Were all your pets both past and present up to date on shots? *
Name and Phone Number of veterinarian: *
If your animals are no longer with you, list the one used last. If you have not had any animals in the past or present, please type N/A in the box.
Current and Past Animals
Please list any animals you have owned in the past 5 years. All information will be verified. If you do not have any animals, please type N/A in the required fields below.  
List the animals name, age, species, spayed/neutered, and whether that animal is still living with you or not. *
Type N/A if you have not had any animals in your care in the last 5 years.Your answer
Adopted Pet Questions
What amount of time do you think is reasonable for your cat to adjust to you and your new home? *
Under what circumstances would you not be able to keep this cat? *
Please check all that apply.  
The minimum cost of owning a pet can be over $500 per year.  Are you able to assume the financial responsibility of veterinary care and basic needs for this animal? *
Some cats require a home visit.  Do you object?   *
If you answered yes for a home visit, please explain.   *
If you answered no, please type N/A.  
Where did you hear about this cat or our rescue? *
You must provide two references in order for your application to be processed.  If you do not provide two we will not consider your application.  
First Reference Name: *
First Reference Phone Number:   *
Second Reference Name: *
Second Reference Phone Number:   *
Aknowledgement Statements
I/we do hereby acknowledge that any false or knowingly omitted statements on this application may constitute a rejection. *
I give BBPR permission to maintain contact with me by a home visit, emails, and/or telephone calls. *
I understand that this application is the property of BBPR and has the right to deny my request to adopt.   *
This application can be reviewed at any time for follow up procedures and in the event information provided above is false then BBPR reserves the right to seize the animal and the adopter forfeits all fees acquired at the time of adoption (total adoption fee varies for different animals).   *
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