Sign-up to this letter

This letter remains open for signature by lawyers and legal academics in Australia. This is a Reply Letter in response to the Lawyers Letter dated 8 November 2023, will be published as of 27 November 2023 and remain open to lawyers and legal academics for additional signatories. 

To maximize the letter's impact at the time of release, we encourage you to sign as early as possible.

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Professorship, honorific, work title [optional]
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(The number you use on WhatsApp. This will not be made public)
Further Information 

  • This letter remains open for signature by lawyers and legal academics and students in Australia.
  • This letter remains open for signature to IHL and LOAC experts from around the world.
  • All facts and figures were correct as at the date of drafting (22 November 2023).
  • On the publication website, the following disclaimer will be included:  The views expressed in this letter are solely those of the authors and individuals who have signed it and may not represent the position of their employers or any organizations with which they are associated or represent.
  • You authorise the correction of minor typos and errors by the authors after your signature is applied.
  • You authorise the application of your signature to a shorter version of this letter (to be extracted from it).
  • We would like to acknowledge and thank the international law experts who have made valuable contributions to the drafting of this letter.

I agree to add my name as a signatory of the reply letter at  *
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