Maryland PPC Get Out the Vote - The 200 Sign-Up
After having mobilized large numbers of people to Washington DC for June 29th and to livestream programs across the country, The 200-person state GOTV teams will be engaged in on the ground canvassing and flyering, phone and textbanking, and social media amplification to create a coordinated drumbeat (one band, one sound!) across the states to reach poor & low-wage infrequent voters towards the November elections.

You must complete this form to participate in any of our GOTV actions.

Please also sign the Covenant of Non-Violence to partake in our actions (this doubles as our volunteer/activist database).

Thank you,
Maryland PPC State Coordinating Committee

Questions may be remitted to ...
Email *
Use the form below to sign up to be a Voter Mobilization Volunteer, one of The 200!
OPTIONAL: Enter any salutation you wish to be included when we address you in communication (e.g., Mr., Ms., Mx., Dr. Father, Imām, Rabbi, Rev.).
Volunteer First Name *
Please enter your first name. You may optionally include a middle initial or middle name. Please do not enter any titles/salutations (such as Dr. or Rev.: those go in the previous field).
Volunteer Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Enter your phone number as 10 digits with no punctuation.
Zip Code *
Please list only a 5-digit zip code.
County *
Preferences *
Please select your preferred method(s) for getting out the vote
Source *
How did you hear about the GOTV opportunity with the Poor People's Campaign?
Primary Language *
Mailing List *
I agree to receive email and mobile messages from the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Non-Partisan *
The Poor People's Campaign is completely NON-PARTISAN. By signing up, you affirm that you will be non-partisan in all actions.
Volunteer Comments
Anything else you would like our GOTV coordinators to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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