Input on the AMS Policy Program Climate Enterprise Initiative
The results of this questionnaire will help shape the efforts of the AMS Policy Program Climate Enterprise Initiative, enabling the long-term strategic direction and capacity building needed for the advancement of the climate enterprise* and to address the rapidly escalating challenges of climate change. It is open to anyone interested in the advancement of the climate enterprise and the societal benefits that result. It can be completed anonymously if desired. There is no closing date for the survey; the study team will continually consider any input received.

*Our initial working definition of the "climate enterprise" is: The set of intentional efforts to observe, understand, use, or protect the climate system (in part or whole). This is adapted from the definition in the AMS Glossary. We intend for it to promote discussion and subsequent refinement.
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How would you change, expand, or improve upon the definition of "the climate enterprise" above?
In your view, what should the climate enterprise look like in 2050?
What do you consider to be challenges to the successful development of the climate enterprise? Does your sector face any specific challenges?
What do you consider to be areas of opportunity for the climate enterprise?
What sectors, groups, or organizations are key to the successful development of the climate enterprise?
May we contact you with followup questions, if needed?
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Name and email address (if yes)
Other thoughts, comments, or questions
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