Holy Transfiguration Time/Talents Pledge 2021
Welcome to our online signup form! We hope that everyone will be willing to put in some time for the good of our parish. Thank you in advance for volunteering!
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Email *
Prayer for our parish
Volunteer opportunities (mark all you might be interested in)
     Please sign up for anything you'd be willing to do. You may not be asked to do everything you signed up for (we might end up with lots of volunteers for one thing and not very many for another). Some jobs are also great for getting kids and teens involved; once you've completed your form, complete another one for each child.
     Under pandemic restrictions, some of these tasks are limited, for the time being. Please mark all those you would be willing to help with, once circumstances permit.
Keeping the services running smoothly
Media teams
Other critical work to be done
Contact info
Your name *
Phone number *
Mobile phone (for text messages), if different from above
Preferred contact method *
Questions/comments/other skills you can share
I have an interest in learning about the following dimension of parish life:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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