Psychedelic Women's Circle
Thank you for your interest in our Psychedelic Women's Circle for health and mental health professionals, therapists, and healing guides experiencing burnout, compassion fatigue and/or considering career transitions. This women's circle is a single night ceremony in a small group container of no more than six women, followed up with a virtual group integration call.

These circles are held near old town Fort Collins from 3-8pm bi-monthly on a Sunday. Circles include some elements of ceremony and intention sharing, an evaluation with our nurse practitioner for the ketamine oral solution, the ketamine experience itself, and time for sharing and integration. The fee for everything included is $425-$450 (it can vary). Upcoming dates can be viewed in the form below. 

If you would like to sign up for one of our upcoming circles, please fill out the information below. To learn more about our facilitators, you can check out bios for Dori and Shannon. For questions, email Shannon at:

We can't wait to welcome you to a Circle!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
What is your professional background? What do you currently do? *
Which upcoming Circle dates are you interested in (check all that apply) *

What is motivating you to do this Psychedelic Circle and what are your hopes for this experience?


Do you have any prior experience with ketamine or other psychedelic-type experiences? If so, briefly describe.


This group includes elements of ceremony and intuition or spirituality. The goal is always to support you into tapping more deeply into your own inner guidance so that you access the answers and clarity you are looking for. Coming into this group, how do you, if at all, connect with spirituality? Are you comfortable “going there” as part of this group?


Do you have any concerns or hesitations at this time? Any questions we can help answer?

The next step to sign up for a circle is to complete a short medical and psychiatric screening to ensure you have no major contraindications for ketamine. You will also meet in person with the nurse practitioner at the beginning of our circle.

Please note, this is not a clinical or therapeutic group. We are not keeping clinical notes. The screening questions you will answer are not maintained with HIPAA compliance. You can choose to answer the screening questions using this link (also copied below), or we can schedule a call to answer them over the phone. Please indicate which option you prefer.

Complete screening here, or select one of the alternative options below.

Don't forget to click Submit below!

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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