Cervantes' Street Team Application
We are building an army of music lovers!  Join to earn free tickets to Cervantes' Masterpiece, Cervantes' Other Side and other shows/festivals around Colorado, by helping promote the events.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full name *
Needs to match your ID so we can guest list you
Location *
City, State
Last 4 shows you attended *
FB Profile Link (click your FB profile and copy & paste link in browser) *
E-Mail *
If you have any previous street team experience, please briefly discuss your role.
If no previous experience, tell us why you want to start.
What are the primary genres of live music you would be most interested in promoting? *
We have 2 parts to our Street Team: Digital Street Team for Facebook & Print Team for flyer/poster work around town. *
Which would you be more interested in - or both ?
Do you have 300+ friends on Facebook in Denver Metro area that you are willing to send event invites to on a weekly or bi-weekly basis? *
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