BDMLR Feedback Form
This form is designed to gain valuable knowledge from those attending an incident on how the incident was organised, difficulties that arose and have arisen from the incident, and how the incident has affected our Medics. BDMLR appreciates that any incident our Medics attend can have detrimental effects on their mental health. Whilst we aim to support our Medics, we can only signpost to resources that may help. If you are struggling with your mental health because of any incident you have attended, we strongly advise you make an appointment with your GP to discuss this further. 

(Please be aware that while we endeavour to address any issues we are a very small charity and any changes that we aim to make will, undoubtedly, take time).

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Which Incident do you wish to give feedback on? (Please include the date and area of the incident) *
Can you please give us a rundown of the day of the incident from your perspective. *
What do you think went well on the day?
What do you think went wrong on the day?
What do you think should be put in place to resolve these issues?
Does the incident make you consider whether you would attend another callout?
Do you feel your training prepared you for this incident? (Please give further details that you think may help us with training in the future).
Would you be put off by a two day training course or top up training?
Is there anything not covered in this survey that you would like to comment on?
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